2010-11 UW-Eau Claire Men's BBall
Season Statistics
Game-by-Game Statistics
Game Highs and Lows
UWEC /UW-Eau Claire
Game Results
Date | Location | Result | |
02/19/11 | Menomonie, Wis. Johnson Fieldhouse | UW-Stout 76, UW-Eau Claire 63 | Box score |
02/16/11 | Mertz Mortorelli Gym (Superior, WI) | UW-Superior 65, UW-Eau Claire 53 | Box score |
02/12/11 | Kachel Gym in Whitewater, WI | UW-Whitewater 85, UW-Eau Claire 68 | Box score |
02/09/11 | Eau Claire, WI - Zorn Arena | UW-Stevens Point 83, UW-Eau Claire 70 | Box score |
02/05/11 | Eau Claire, WI - Zorn Arena | UW-Platteville 64, UW-Eau Claire 45 | Box score |
02/02/11 | Eau Claire, WI - Zorn Arena | UW-River Falls 76, UW-Eau Claire 70 | Box score |
01/29/11 | Paavo Nurmi Center - Hancock, MI | UW-Eau Claire 88, Finlandia Univ., MI 67 | Box score |
01/26/11 | Kolf Sports Center - Oshkosh, WI | UW-Oshkosh 83, UW-Eau Claire 58 | Box score |
01/22/11 | La Crosse, Wis. (Mitchell Hall) | UW-La Crosse 63, UW-Eau Claire 44 | Box score |
01/19/11 | Stevens Point, Wis. - Bennett Court | UW-Stevens Point 92, UW-Eau Claire 37 | Box score |
01/15/11 | Eau Claire, WI - Zorn Arena | UW-Whitewater 74, UW-Eau Claire 62 | Box score |
01/12/11 | Eau Claire, WI - Zorn Arena | UW-Eau Claire 76, UW-Superior 71 | Box score |
01/10/11 | Eau Claire, WI - Zorn Arena | UW-Eau Claire 72, Finlandia Univ., MI 51 | Box score |
01/05/11 | Bo Ryan Court, UW-Platteville | UW-Platteville 58, UW-Eau Claire 49 | Box score |
01/02/11 | Eau Claire, WI - Zorn Arena | UW-Stout 88, UW-Eau Claire 87 | Box score |
12/30/10 | Eau Claire, WI - Zorn Arena | Northwestern, MN 69, UW-Eau Claire 58 | Box score |
12/29/10 | Eau Claire, WI - Zorn Arena | UW-Eau Claire 72, Monmouth College, IL 52 | Box score |
12/08/10 | River Falls, WI | UW-River Falls 75, UW-Eau Claire 51 | Box score |
12/04/10 | Eau Claire, WI - Zorn Arena | UW-Eau Claire 77, UW-La Crosse 70 | Box score |
12/01/10 | Eau Claire, WI - Zorn Arena | UW-Eau Claire 66, UW-Oshkosh 53 | Box score |
11/27/10 | Kolf Sports Center - Oshkosh, WI | UW-Eau Claire 90, Silver Lake College 62 | Box score |
11/26/10 | Kolf Sports Center - Oshkosh, WI | Milwaukee School of Eng. 61, UW-Eau Claire 48 | Box score |
11/20/10 | Bo Ryan Court, UW-Platteville | UW-Eau Claire 84, Clarke Univ., IA 63 | Box score |
11/19/10 | Bo Ryan Court, UW-Platteville | Washington Univ., MO 62, UW-Eau Claire 57 | Box score |
11/15/10 | Eau Claire, WI - Zorn Arena | UW-Eau Claire 77, St. Scholastica, MN 64 | Box score |