Representatives of Athletics Interests
The University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, as a member of the NCAA, is responsible for ensuring that various constituencies (i.e., University faculty, staff, student-athletes, alumni and friends) abide by the NCAA Rules and Regulations.
We appreciate the interest and support of all alumni, friends, students and supporters, and remind you that inappropriate contact or an inadvertent action on your part can jeopardize the eligibility of our student-athletes and prospects and compliance of the University with NCAA and WIAC regulations.
Please read this publication carefully and assist UW-Eau Claire in its commitment to integrity and compliance with the rules and regulations determined by the NCAA and WIAC.
This publication is designed to provide alumni and friends of UW-Eau Claire with an understanding of NCAA and WIAC rules and regulations governing the conduct of the UW-Eau Claire athletic programs.
DO NOT provide a student-athlete or friends any benefit or special arrangement. The NCAA considers these as an “extra benefit” and they are specifically prohibited.
DO NOT provide room and/or board or any type of transportation during the summer for a student-athlete with eligibility remaining.
DO NOT provide room, board or transportation costs incurred by friends or family of an enrolled student-athlete to visit campus or attend an away contest.
DO NOT provide funds to entertain student-athletes, their friends or relatives. You are not even permitted to buy a soda or a cup of coffee for them.
DO NOT use the name or picture of an enrolled student-athlete to directly advertise, recommend or promote sales or use of a commercial product or service of any kind.
DO NOT provide any payment of expense, or loan of, any automobile for a student-athlete to return home or to any other location for ANY reason
DO NOT provide an award or gift to a student-athlete for his or her athletic performance. All awards must conform to NCAA regulations and must be approved by UWEC.
DO NOT provide an honorarium or gift to a student-athlete for a speaking engagement. Only necessary travel expenses can be given when speaking to educational or charitable groups. All speaking engagements must be approved in advance by the Athletic Department.
DO NOT allow a student-athlete, his or her friends or relatives to use your telephone to make free long distance calls.
DO feel free to invite a student-athlete to your home for a home cooked meal but only for a special occasion (i.e. Thanksgiving, birthday). Remember, the student-athlete must provide his/her own transportation.
DO feel free to invite a team for dinner or to meet with a group of alumni in a city where they are competing. The NCAA permits students-athletes AS A TEAM to receive special benefits not permitted to individuals. Arrangements for such events must be made in advance with the head coach or Athletic Department.
DO NOT employ or arrange for the employment of a prospective or enrolled student-athlete without checking first with the UW-Eau Claire Athletic Department. The Department is permitted to make arrangements for summer employment for prospects prior to enrollment as freshmen and to enrolled students during the summer and semester breaks.
DO NOT provide transportation for prospects or student-athletes in your employ unless transportation is provided for all other employees.
YOU CAN as a representative of the UWEC athletic interests, at your own expense, transport or pay the cost of a prospect to visit the campus, one time, provided at your own expense you accompany the prospect to campus. The same recruiting restriction outlined by the NCAA and WIAC apply. This will count as an official visit and can include parents, relatives or friends of the prospect.
DO pay student-athletes employed by you only for work actually performed at a rate commensurate with the going rate for similar services in the community and your own business.
DO NOT become directly or indirectly involved in making arrangements for a prospect, the prospect’s relatives or friends to receive money or financial aid of any kind.
DO NOT provide anything to or for a prospect, his/her relatives or friends, without first checking with the Athletic Department administration.
DO NOT make any contact with a prospect or the prospect’s family, off campus, until the prospect has begun classes for the 12th grade. If a prospect that has not reached the 12th grade approaches you, off campus, regarding the athletic program, explain that NCAA rules do not permit you to discuss the program. Suggest that the prospect contact the head coach of the sport for information.
DO NOT provide room and/or board, transportation of any kind or any other benefit to a recruited student-athlete during the summer prior to enrollment for classes at UW-Eau Claire.
DO NOT entertain high school, prep school or community college COACHES at ANY time.
DO NOT provide tickets or transportation for high school, prep school or community college COACHES at any location. Only the Athletic Department can provide complimentary admissions and only to home athletic events for those coaches.
DO NOT entertain or provide tickets at no, or reduced cost to UWEC's home or away athletic or non-athletic events for prospects, their relatives or friends. Only the Athletic Department can provide complimentary admissions to prospective student-athletes and only for HOME athletic events.
DO NOT contact an enrolled student-athlete at another institution for the purpose of encouraging transfer to UW-Eau Claire and participation in our athletic program.
DO NOT pay or offer to pay registration fees for summer sports camps for a prospect.
DO NOT contact the prospect’s coach, principal or counselor for the purpose of evaluating the prospect. You are not permitted to pick up films or transcripts from the prospect’s educational institution.
DO feel free to attend high school and community college athletic events. Please feel free to contact the coaching staff if you see a prospective student-athlete that would be an asset to UW-Eau Claire athletically and academically.
DO continue established family relationships with friends and neighbors. Contact with sons and daughters of these families certainly are permitted as long as they are not made for recruiting purposes and are not initiated by UW-Eau Claire’s coaching staff members. You are permitted to play “pick up” basketball or softball games, continue neighborhood picnics or backyard barbecues and engage in your normal activities with prospects and their parents who are family friends. Again, you simply are not permitted to attempt to recruit the prospect or discuss the UW-Eau Claire athletic program.
DO feel free to attend a public event (i.e. a high school awards banquet or dinner) at which prospects are in attendance. No attempt should be made, however, to recruit the prospect.
DO send to the UWEC coaching staff any newspaper clippings or other information about the prospects which you think would be of interest. Your assistance in this way is very helpful. The coaching staff will then make the contact with the prospect
- Have made a financial contribution to the athletic department or an athletic booster organization
- Have been requested or assisted the athletic department in the recruitment of prospective student athletes
- Have assisted or are assisting in providing benefits to enrolled student athletes or their families
- Are involved in promoting UWEC’s athletic program
The NCAA stipulates that once you become an “athletic representative” you retain that identity forever, even if you no longer contribute to, or are involved with, the athletic program.
A prospective student-athlete is a person who has begun classes for the ninth grade.
In Division III, the NCAA does not allow off campus contact with a prospective student-athlete until that student has begun classes for the 12th grade. The student may visit the campus and talk with coaches before they begin classes for the 12th grade provided that contact takes place on the UWEC campus and the prospect initiated the contact.
Supporters of the athletic programs, with the best of intentions and meaning no harm, sometimes provided "Extra Benefits" to student athletes. Extra Benefits provided to student-athletes is strictly prohibited by the NCAA. An “Extra Benefit” is any special arrangement by the institution or representative of athletic interests for student-athletes, their family, relatives or friends, provided this benefit is not available to the student body in general and is made available only because of the student’s status as a student-athlete.
Examples include:
- may not give cash or loans
- may not sign or co-sign a note with an outside agency
- may not employ relatives or friends as an inducement for enrollment of the prospect
- may not provide gifts of any kind - i.e. Birthday, Christmas, Valentines
- may not provide free services - i.e. dry cleaning, car repair, hair cuts, meals in restaurants
- may not provide special discounts - for goods and services
- may not provide use of an automobile
- may not provide hospitality in your home other than special occasions (Thanksgiving, Christmas)
- may not invite to summer home, boat etc.
- may not provide transportation i.e.; to airport, to job.
- may not provide guarantee of a bond
- may not provide promise of post graduate financial aid
- may not provide promise of post graduate employment
If you have knowledge of improprieties, intentional or unintentional, please let the Athletic Department know immediately so that we can take corrective action.
Dan Schumacher, Athletic Director - 715/836-5858 -
Amanda Hopkins - Assistant Athletic Director - Compliance - 715-836-3939
6/14/2011 jsk