Women's Soccer to Hold Blugold Buddies Clinic

Women's Soccer to Hold Blugold Buddies Clinic

EAU CLAIRE, Wis. (Blugolds.com) - The UW-Eau Claire women's soccer team will hold the 12th Annual Blugold Buddies soccer clinic on Monday, August 26.

The two-hour clinic will begin at 6 p.m. and is intended for both boys and girls in the five to 12 year old age group. The clinic will take place at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire's Bollinger Recreation Complex on Field #5, the women's varsity soccer field.

Registration will take place at the field beginning at 5 p.m. The cost is $10 per youth with no pre-registration necessary. All participants are asked to bring their own soccer ball, sneakers or cleats, shin guards and water bottle.

The clinic will be directed by the Blugold women's soccer head coach Sean Yengo, and the players on the 2013 Blugold roster. Any questions about the clinic can be directed to Coach Yengo at (715) 836-4097.
