Gymnastics - All-Americans

Olivia Aschenbrenner
2011-All-Around, Balance Beam, Uneven Bars (2nd team)
2012-All-Around, Uneven Bars (2nd team)

RachelAnn Anderson
2010-Floor Exercise (2nd team)

Rachel Behmer
2011-Uneven Bars
2013-Uneven Bars

Kiya Bjorge

Alison Eagles
2003-Vault, All-Around
2005-Vault, Floor

Tori Erickson
2018-All-Around, Vault (2nd team), Floor Exercise (2nd team), Balance Beam (2nd team)

Julie Hardtke
1985-Balance Beam

Theresa Lynch
2006-Floor Exercise
2007-Balance Beam (2nd team)

Hannah Lewis
2018-Uneven Bars (2nd team)

Michaela McCamey-Metropulos
2012-Balance Beam
2013-Balance Beam

Lynn Morris
2003-Uneven Bars, Balance Beam
2004-Balance Beam
2005-Uneven Bars, Balance Beam, All-Around
2006-Balance Beam, All-Around

Erin Olson
2017-Floor Exercise

Nancy Potter
1985-All-Around, Floor Exercise

Tia Ravara

Kristina Reitzel

Danielle Schulzetenberg
2010-Balance Beam, All-Around
2011-All-Around, Vault
2012-All-Around, Floor Exercise 

2013 - All-Around

Julia Stedman
2013-Vault (2nd team)

Liz Stubbs
2016-Floor (2nd team)

Harriet Toth

All-Americans are the top six finishers in each event at nationals.
Second team All-Americans are those who take 7th through 12th.
All-Around All-Americans are the top 10 finishers.

Page Last Updated: 5/11/23