Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Medical Clearance

1. Do I need a sport code to login to SportsWare, the online medical database?

No. You likely have simply clicked the wrong button when attempting to login to SportsWare. Reminder to simply enter your university-given email address ending in and click the "reset password / forgot password" button just below the blue login button. You should be able to simply follow the prompts given and reset your password and gain access to the website to begin the process of completing information on SportsWare. If you continue to experience issues related to the login, please email to inform them of the issue you are experiencing and include your sport and UWEC-granted email address in the message. 

2. Can evidence of my physical examination be recorded on any document? (ie. WIAA physical form or MSHSL sport qualifying form)

No. The required form that must be completed is the official UW-Eau Claire Athletic Physical Examination Form.

3. What is the earliest date that I can have my pre-participation physical examination (PPE) completed?

Your PPE must be completed within 6 months prior to the deadline of completion of your medical clearance process. (example: Football student-athletes have a deadline for medical clearance paperwork submission is Aug 1st. PPE’s will be accepted if they were performed Feb. 1st- August 1st. Any PPE done prior to Feb. 1 of the same year will not be accepted.)

4. Do I need to have another physical examination done if I completed one last year?

If you were cut or quit the team and you did not participate in any other NCAA sanctioned sport during that given academic year, you must have another physical examination completed. b. If you had an injury that prevented you from completing the full season and you were under the care of the sports medicine staff at UW-Eau Claire during the process, you will not need to have another physical examination completed. Please ask your team's Certified Athletic Trainer if you are uncertain.

5. What medical professionals may complete my Pre-participation Physical Examination?

NCAA Regulations require that physical examinations must be completed by a Licensed Medical Doctor (MD), Doctor of Osteopathy (DO) or Physician’s Assistant (PA) or a Nurse Practioner (NP) only. Physical forms submitted utilizing other practitioners will NOT be accepted.

6. Do I need to resubmit my sickle cell trait status results if I previously submitted them prior to the start of a sport season?

No. If you have previously submitted sickle cell trait status paperwork (at any point in time previously) you do not need to resubmit this information. The results of these assessments will not change as the are hereditary and all paperwork previously submitted will be saved.

7. What if the student-athlete is unable to attend the assigned Health Screening for their sport?

All student-athletes must have an annual health screening performed at UW-Eau Claire. (Note: A “health screening” is not the same as a physical examination.) The student-athlete must contact the Certified Athletic Trainer responsible for the specific sport to determine an appropriate time for the Student-Athlete to complete the Health Screening. If you are unaware of the respective staff member responsible for your sport, please see the Sports Medicine Staff webpage and the primary sport coverage assigned to each staff member.

8. When is the Student-Athlete medically cleared to participate in Athletics at UW-Eau Claire?

The Student-Athlete is medically cleared for sports participation after the student-athlete has completed all Medical Clearance requirements. This includes but is not limited to a completed physical examination form indicating approval for participation, a completed online (via SportsWare) personal health history, proof of health insurance, etc.  The Certified Athletic Trainer (or coach in some instances) may inform you of the specific information that you may be missing as well.